The Health & Nutrition area is equipped with a device multifrequency impedancemetry, the BIODY XPERT ZMII .
Accurate assessment of a patient's nutritional status is a major challenge for practitioners. Weight is essential, but not sufficient.
Few techniques today offer an easily accessible and reliable diagnostic aid in the context of various pathologies such as anorexia nervosa, diabetes and obesity, sarcopenia, cachexia, heart and kidney failure, etc. It is the only technique that allows access in a few seconds to all the body data that makes up the weight of the person (water, lipids, minerals, proteins).
BIODY XPERT ZM II, a portable, connected, multi-frequency and multi-algorithm professional device, allows the measurement of bioelectrical impedances and their interpretation in a few seconds via an HDS-certified Cloud scalable platform (software and desktop or mobile applications), thus increasing the full potential of body composition measurement by bio-impedancemetry.
Measurements are taken without the patient being weighed " Where " undressed ".
Recognized as the most efficient device on the market, the results of BIODY XPERTZM II are generated from algorithms selected after studying the literature published on the subject for many years.
Once the measurement has been made, the following data is transmitted to the computer via Bluetooth in order to analyze it:
basic metabolism
the dry mass
bone mineral content
body fat
intra and extra cellular water balance
A graph will summarize the data measured by the Biody Xpert. AT each visit, we will be able to follow the evolution of the curves and adapt the nutritional advice.